My Spring Break

During spring break I didn’t really too do much. Some things I did were texting my friends a lot, playing games, watching YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. Some things I did out of my house were going to see one my old friends who I hadn’t seen for a while and going to this one super super boring place my brother wanted to go to.


If I got to be invisible for twenty-four hours I would just mess around the whole time. An example would be like talking to someone then randomly just disappearing, tripping my friends, and skipping class. I don’t really know what I would do after that.

Abandoned Island

One time I was playing this game and I won and the winner would get a free cruise so I won it and I didn’t really care too much. When the day that it would start came I packed all my stuff and drove there. I got there it was super crowded and it was super hard to move around anywhere it took hours for all the people to clear up. I thought the cruise had already left but then a small little ship pulled up to the dock and said they were the people so I got on even though I was the only person. I thought I was just lucky but then I realized it wasn’t the right boat. They took me to a random island and made me get out of the ship for some reason. I was stuck on an abandoned island and I though about it and to survive I needed to build a house and find food so I went searching for food and materials in a day I had found enough materials to build a house and I decided I was gonna sleep under a tree branch but I got barely any sleep because the whole night I


On the four day weekend I’m gonna stay up till like 4:00 and sleep till like 12:00 and when I’m awake I’m gonna watch TikTok, watch YouTube, Watch Instagram, and play games on my ps5. Some things I watch on TikTok and YouTube are funny videos and stuff like that and some games I play are GTA 5, Call Of Duty and Fortnite. I

Dumbledores Quotes

”We must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy”

I think that quote means like you can choose to do the right thing like if someone drops something you help them pick it up or you can just walk past them which is easy. An experience I had with this quote was on my first day here some guy helped me out by walking me to my class instead of just walking to his class.

My Hero

I don’t really have a hero but some people I admire are my mom and dad. Some reasons why I admire them are because they are my parents, They help me with some stuff like Homework/Something I don’t understand in school. Another reason is because they have lived with me for my whole life so I know them really well and they know me really well.